When it comes to using fiber or copper cables, each has its pros and cons. Many data centers, such at 165 Halsey Street, utilize both in our cross connects.

On a high level, fiber-optic technology sends light pulses created by a light-emitted diode or laser along optical fibers. Traditional copper wires transmit electrical currents.

With that basic information in our back pocket, let’s get into the benefits of each cable option.

Benefits of Fiber Cables

  • Speed – Light can travel much faster through fiber than copper, because the speed of light is faster than the speed of electrons. Although these cables don’t quite reach the speed of light, they are only 31% slower.
  • Bandwidth – Fiber cables have a standard performance of 60 terabits of data per second (Tbps) and up. There is very little data loss, even over long distances.
  • Reliability – Overall, fiber cables are not impacted by environmental factors, temperature changes, electromagnetic fluctuations, and can even be submerged in water. They also don’t require electricity so they are not a fire hazard.
  • Secure – Fiber cables boast more secure communication. It’s incredibly resistant to jamming, tapping, and radiofrequency.

Benefits of Copper Cables

  • Conduction – Copper, second only to silver, is one of the most conductive materials of electricity there is. It can be used with less insulation, which allows greater flexibility with set-up.
  • Corrosion Resistant – Copper has a high corrosion resistance that reduces the risk of deterioration. When it comes to connectivity, this means you can rely on a strong, reliable link for years to come.
  • Malleable – Copper can be bent into any shape or direction without snapping. This allows the thick wires to be twisted around corners or shaped to fit the available space.

Each type of cable is unique and ideal for different reasons and ultimately come down to its use. The 165 Halsey Team are experts when it comes to connections and connectivity solutions. If you have any questions about copper wires or fiber fiber cross connects, contact us today.